February 29, 2024

TPP Team, Yukimi Song and Clara Zhang, took a 3-month summer hiatus, and we are back! We missed you–hope you had a wonderful summer being able to rest up, take a trip, work on new projects, spend some time in nature, and/or, of course, practice piano.


Now we are back and excited to launch the new season, Season 3! In this introductory episode, we will cover: 

👉 Why we wanted to start a podcast show 

👉 What we learned from the past seasons 

👉 What we expect in Season 3: guests and patronage 

and more! 


😍 This introductory episode is so monumental for us–for the first time in the 2-year history of The Piano Pod, our team met at Yukimi’s home and taped the show! Prior to this episode, we were taping the show via Zoom–so co-hosts were in two separate locations. 

Guess what? We are now on Patreon–now more than ever TPP needs your support! Please go to our Patreon’s site at 🔗 We want to create excellent content for YOU, but without your support, it’s impossible. 

You can also help us by visiting 🌴 so that you know who will be on our show for the next 3 episode in Season 3! We love you and want to bring the latest news on piano music to you! 

Hope you enjoyed this episode. Please tell us what you think via We’d love to hear from you.