February 29, 2024

πŸŽ‰ Here is the sneak peek of The Piano Pod’s Season 3 Episode 17 feat. Hannah Reimann, Pioneer & Advocate of Stretto Pianos and Creator of the International Piano Festival and Stretto Pianos. According to (PASK stands for Pianists for Alternatively Sized Keyboards), recent research into pianists’ hand spans shows that:

  • πŸ‘‰ Over 50% of adults have hand spans that are too small for the conventional keyboard.

  • πŸ‘‰ About 87% of women and 24% of men have hands that are too small for the current-sized keyboard.

  • πŸ‘‰ Children are currently forced to learn on an instrument designed for men with large hands.

  • πŸ‘‰Given a choice of keyboard, around 75% of adults would most likely choose a smaller size!

After all, our struggles as pianists may not be because of our shortcomings but the wrong-sized keyboard we’ve been practicing and performing. In this episode, Ms. Reimann will take us through the world of Stretto Pianos and introduce us to its thriving community. We will discuss topics as follows:

  • 🎡 The definition of a Stretto Piano

  • 🎡 Difference between the conventional and stretto pianos.

  • 🎡 Brief lesson on the history of pianos – how the sizes of the piano and width of the key have increased and standardized by the 1880s.

  • 🎡 Ms. Reimann’s 30-year journey of promoting Stretto Pianos.

  • 🎡 International Stretto Piano Festival And more!

πŸ‘ Part 1 of this episode will be available on Tuesday, April 25, at 8:00pm ET!